Coco Calabaza Soup
Yesterday it was abnormally cloudy, windy, and cool - enough so that we were still wearing sweatpants and long sleeves at 11am! That has...

Papaya Power Oats
Overnight oats recipes are everywhere these days - they're easy to make, ready-t0-go in the morning, and you can pack them with as much...

Three-Ingredient Chocolate Oatmeal Balls
With only three ingredients and two steps, I wouldn't really call this a "recipe." It's more of a quick, delicious way to satisfy a...

Rainbow Quinoa Salad with Ginger Peanut Sauce
This salad is a frequent flier with us. It's stellar as a side salad - I like to make a big batch of it and eat it over a few days with...

A Quick How-To: Sprouting Lentils
This is a really quick post to share a really quick way to add variety and texture to your daily meals. Like many plant foods, lentils...

Women of the Aguadilla Farmers' Market: Isla Pops, Kale Mamá, and more
This past Saturday we went up to Aguadilla to check out the Festival de aguacate (Avocado Festival) and to just get out of town for the...

Learning to Love Gently
Today as I excitedly showed Oliver the new tomatoes starting to come in, I quickly realized he too was going to be excited, meaning he...

Black Bean Burgers!
These burgers from the Oh She Glows cookbook are a go-to lunch staple for us, and can be made with lentils or garbanzo beans as well. I...

The Fruits of CSA Boxes and Eating Locally
In addition to supporting our fellow community members, one of the reasons I prioritize shopping locally is that it often exposes you to...

Purple Oatmeal for Baby (and Family)
Color is pretty important to me when it comes to eating. It's not like I plan it out, but I strive to make sure every time we sit down to...